FYI, how to tidy up the tickets in FD.
Open: not yet acknowledge or work on it
Waiting for customer: We did the work and waiting for the pilot/people who initiate the ticket to response
Waiting for 3rd party: We have passed the inquiry from the above ppl to 3rd party e.g. handler/ limo company and waiting for 3rd party response
Pending: worked and no item to follow but the ticket is needed/important for the on going trip
Type: Choose a related one (you will know what to choose)
Tag: A/C REG and trip number, add any important one if needed like crew trans / hotel / Airport code / PCN/ COVID (Since each ticket can only select one type e.g ( a title of the tkt is hotel and crew trans, then type is either hotel/ground transport then add the remaining one in tag)
adding more specific tags will allow us to search it back easier when we need it
Resolved: Only choose this when the trip is ended of the tkt no longer useful for the on going trip (Just use common sense is fine) e.g. A tkt for RJAA-RJTT sample FP, you can just Resolved it when u checked and working on actual.
Close: no need to use it