Dear Ops,
I wanted to pass on some experience from this past trip on VP-CSY that may be useful for future tech stops in CYVR.
The CANPASS program: Private Aircraft program makes clearing the border more accessible for private aircraft carrying no more than 15 people (including the Crew) and traveling to Canada from the United States.
When I called up to advise of our flight, the CANPASS number provided (+1 888-226-7277) did not apply to our flight as we had more than 15 persons in total. However, I was advised that the CANPASS App was still to be used by Crew and pax.
Eventually, I was transferred to the local customs management officer in Vancouver. I emailed our GD and arranged our aircraft to taxi directly to Signature and call the Custom’s Officer on duty upon our arrival.
The procedure that may be useful in the future:
1. Advise clients of the CANPASS app well in advance of the transit sector. Provide details about how to input information, including clarification about luggage reporting (for transit/diplomatic flights, this is not required).
2. Provide Crew with an updated GD in advance of the transit sector. This information is essential for the first call.
3. Call the CANPASS number to give flight details +1 888-226-7277. Advise if an aircraft is>15 persons. Request to be transferred to the VANCOUVER Customs office.
4. Call the Vancouver Customs Office if the direct transfer was not available OR to update arrival time/pax info +1 604 861 1825.
5. Submit via email GD info
6. If able to pre-coordinate with Vancouver Customs, OCC or Crew to coordinate with Signature that arrival will proceed directly to FBO and forgo customs stop (with prior approval from Customs officer via phone call or email)
7. Upon arrival, call the customs manager +1 604 861 1825
- Advise of landing and request to proceed to FBO. They will provide a code/verbal clearance. This is an unlisted number so please only share when required by flight crew.
In our case, no passengers or Crew flagged within the immigration system. Customs did not require to board the aircraft. Only Crew was allowed to deplane for refueling, while passengers were required to stay on board.
This procedure saved significant time in allowing us to taxi directly to Signature FBO. It does require pre-coordination and approval from the local Vancouver Customs manager.
Kind Regards,
Dale Lockwood
USA +1 478 777 7365
Japan +81 70-1308-8910
Whatsapp +852 6773 2517