1. Owner usually departs depart/arrive back in Tokyo after midnight. Always keep in mind that RJAA is usually NOT open when owner returns to RJTT, and therefore we normally have to carry fuel for alternate of RJGG.
2. If possible, avoid using Russian routes/alternates just to save money for the owner by avoiding Russian overflight permit charges.
3. KSJC customs are not 24 hours, but it is much quicker in and out of KSJC than KSFO just due to ATC routing.
Current CBP operating hours:
KSFO 08:00-23:00 local time daily
KSJC 09:00-16:00 loacl time daily, 24hrs in advance notice is needed. No after hours is available.
4. The owner’s house is halfway between KSJC and KSFO, so he prefers to use KSJC, UNLESS he is departing from his office or a Golden States Warriers game, then we use KSFO.
5. Sometimes we have to reposition between KSFO and KSJC just to make him happy, but we try and do this the day prior as moving from KSJC to KSFO can be tricky if the weather is marginal or if it is an airline bank time (10:00-14:00LT).
6. KSBA is tricky with the winds and temperature. Direct flight back to Tokyo is uncertain until the day prior due to temperature, and it also depends upon the time we will be departing, usually not announced by the owner’s staff until the day of departure.
7. Captain Rick feels comfortable to use historical winds for ALL flight planning.
8. The owner thinks that the Japan slot time is the time he needs to arrive at the airport curb. If WE are going to get the slot, we need to ensure that it is for at least 40 minutes after the time Carrie requests.
10 minutes curb to immigration.
10 minutes Immigration to plane.
10 minutes baggage/passenger loading/engine start, out of blocks.
12-25 minute taxi depending upon 34R or 5 for departure.
RJAA slots window +/- 1hr
RJTT is +/- 30mins
9. As per Yoshi, we should use his Name as the Requester of N311CG in FOS
10. Default settings for N311CG for all future planning:
- 3000lbs min fuel overhead all 180min ETP’s.
- 5000lbs min fuel remaining landing destination.
- 15,000 descent altitude if O2 system fully serviceable.
- Historical winds are fine for flight planning.
- Owner + 2 pax (3 total) unless otherwise advised for all flights.
- Standard pilot weight 190lbs, CA weight 189lbs, pax weight 189lbs, pax bags 30 lbs.
- Max flight level FL470.
- All flights planned at M.90 unless needing to slow for range. M.86 min (never use LRC values).
11. Crew flight time and duty limitation
Unless directed otherwise by CP or Phenix Jet, according to Part 91 Ops Man
- Flights PLANNED BLOCK time of 12+00 require 3 pilots (We use historical taxi times of departure and destination in determining Block Time)
- Absolute max of 14 hours.
- Flights of over 14+00 Block time require crew change (only exception East Coast US to ANC, pick up 3rd pilot, continue on to Tokyo).
- 2 pilot duty day: 16 hours from hotel show to APU shutdown. In Tokyo RJTT, Hotel Show time is always 3 hours prior to slot time.
- 3 pilot duty day: 18 hours etc.
- International flights require 14 hours landing to takeoff min crew rest. Absolute min is 8 hours crew sleep, 2 hours crew prep, 1.5 hours pre-flight, 0.5 post fight, leaving 2 hours transportation/customs/immigration time. Min time in Tokyo is another issue.
- Domestic flight Crew Rest in US: 12 hours landing to takeoff.
12. Flight Release recipient list: OPS, MX, Yoshi, Yohei and operating crew
Itinerary Report recipient list: <N311CG@phenixjet.com>
13. Crew transport has to be arranged by Jet Team at TOKYO as advised by Elsie***
14. Please add Yumi Hatase to all future correspondence for matters concerning trips on N311CG. She is the Cabin Attendant and works for The Crimson Group.Her email is hatase@crimson.co.jp
15. Any time anyone other than the standard three crew members will be on board the plane for a flight or for a ground tour, Mr. Jun Aida, Crimson Group has to approve.
Also, no photos of inside or outside of aircraft, with or without the N number, can be posted to any social media.
16. Use fuel release for handling and fuel payment
17. <N311CG@phenixjet.com>
This group address would be used to confirm flight dates and so on with the client, but nothing internal.
Please do not use this address to communicate internal matters, like crew briefing and so on.
18. Preferred Handlers
Japan All Cities --- JAS
KSFO --- Signature Flight Support
KSJC --- Atlantic Aviation
KSBA --- Atlantic Aviation
KLAX --- Atlantic Aviation
19. For default service, always dump the lav upon arrival, always put potable water on departure.
For fuel, always on departure with crew present EXCEPT for arrival at RJTT. We always refuel upon arrival to 15,000 to allow for typhoon evacuation of necessary. Then we shouldn’t need fuel at RJAA to reposition back to RJTT for a trip.
20. As per Elsie, crew transport should be arranged via Jet Team in RJTT/RJAA.
Captains Hotel Show Up time at RJTT is 3hrs prior to the slot
CA Apartment show up time is 3:15hrs prior the slot
We should arrange two separate car for captains and CA
21. N311CG EAPIS should be filed under part 135
22. Movement Report
- Please send on/off report as usual
- Per Yoshi, the movement has to include OUT and IN time
- Send the updated ETA to the n311cg@phenixjet.com address if the flight ETA changes for more than +-30 min from the scheduled ETA
- Send an alert 1 hour prior to each arrival, client's secretary will have the drivers standby.